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Bypass AI Detection | How Humanizers Make It Possible

bypass AI detection

AI text generative tools have made content creation very easy. The majority of writers, as well as non-writers today, use these tools to automate their writing tasks. People rely on these tools to create marketing copies, blog articles, social media posts, landing page content, and other writing-related tasks.

Despite the benefits offered by AI text generative tools, there is one big problem faced by writers who rely on these tools: AI Content Detectors! AI content detectors are similar tools to plagiarism checkers. The main function of detector tools is to find text that has been generated by AI text generative tools. They can easily detect recurring language patterns, artificial structures, uncommon words, and other traits in AI writing.

If you used to rely on AI text generative tools for content creation and are now worried about getting caught because of AI detection tools, you need to read this post. In this guide, we have explained in detail what humanizers are and how they can help you bypass AI detection tools.

1. What are AI Text Humanizer Tools?

One of the best and foolproof ways to get past AI detection tools is by using online AI humanizers. Humanizer tools are cloud-based utilities that are designed and developed to make AI content undetectable.

These online tools can easily transform AI-generated text in a very human-like way. All robotic wording, as well as other AI characteristics, would be removed. The machine-generated content would be revised and translated using very natural wording. The AI humanizer tool such as HumanizeAIText that can help you bypass AI detection. Such tool can help you get rid of AI characteristics in your content and get you a humanized version that would be error-free, original, and would get a 100% human score.

2. How AI Humanizer Tools Make Bypass AI Detection Possible?

You might have tried editing AI-generated text by yourself and failed to get a 100% human score. This is because you don’t understand the linguistic model used by AI generative tools.

Moreover, there is always a chance that the content you have written all by yourself can get flagged as AI-written.

In these situations, you must rely on the best humanizer tools.

If you are wondering how these tools can make it possible for you to use AI-generated text without getting caught, read the details of how humanizer tools would modify your text.

1. Repetition and Redundancy Would Be Eliminated

First things first, one of the most common traits of AI-generated text is the repetition of the same words, phrases, and ideas. AI humanizer tools can easily detect redundant words and phrases.

Not only would they find these words, but they would also remove or replace them with suitable wording. By removing unnecessary words and phrases, humanizer tools can easily make your content sound more natural.

2. Passive Voice Sentences Would Be Replaced with Active Voice

AI text generative tools usually write in passive voice. Subsequently, many top-rated AI detector tools, such as zero GPT, Copyleaks, and many others, have been trained to find passive voice sentences.

If the content you have generated with tools such as Open AI’s ChatGPT , Gemini, Moonshot KIMI, or the one you have written yourself contains too much passive voice, it is going to be flagged as AI-written.

AI humanizer tools are trained to find and remove all passive voice sentences. The tool would paraphrase passive voice sentences into active ones and would make your writing stronger and more natural.

3. AI Humanizer Tools Can Mix Up Length of Sentences

One of the biggest characteristics of AI-generated text is that the majority of sentences would be of the same length.

This approach of AI tools results in the overall text sounding robotic and unnatural. AI detector tools can analyze sentence length and can easily detect if the content has been generated via AI.

Human written content is a mix of both short and long sentences. So, an AI text humanizer tool would modify the length of sentences and would generate a variety of both.

This characteristic can make the new content more humane, and AI detector tools cannot flag this kind of text.

4. Humanizer Tools Can Insert Punctuation Marks and Symbols

Online humanizer tools would also add punctuation marks and certain symbols in the new text in order to avoid getting flagged as AI.

Text generative tools such as question marks, exclamation marks, and commas would not be very useful for punctuation.

The humanized text would have proper punctuation. This would make the text sound more natural and digestible.

5. Complicated/Uncommon Words Would Be Replaced with Synonyms

AI generator tools, when writing, would use the same words and phrases. This is because they have a small list of words and vocabulary on which they rely.

AI detector tools can easily highlight this word library. You need to avoid commonly used words by AI tools when you are writing content yourself.

"Delve", "vibrant", "vital", "embark", "realm", "landscape, etc., are some of the common words that are used by text generative tools.

You need to avoid using these tools. AI text humanizers can easily identify these words and replace them with simpler synonyms. The words replaced by humanizer tools would be simpler and more understandable for the common readers. This is why the humanized content would always bypass AI detection and get a 100% human score.

3. When Should You Use AI Humanizer Tools?

Here are some of the reasons or situations why you might want to use AI humanizers to bypass AI detection.

  • To Avoid Penalties: Today, AI-generated text can lead to penalties and punishments. For instance, AI-generated text in the academic world is similar to plagiarism and would be marked as zero. If you have written essays or assignments with the help of AI, you can save yourself from penalties by using an AI humanizer tool.
  • To Improve SEO: The use of AI for content creation is not a direct crime or a red flag in the eyes of the search engine, but you must know that many characteristics in AI-generated text, such as redundancy, repetition, or biased information, can mislead the target audience and can piss off the search engine. If you don’t want to damage your ranking position or seo score, it is best to humanize AI-generated text.
  • To Enhance Quality: AI generative text is not of the best quality. You will find a lot of readability issues in this text. If you want to improve the quality of content and make it engaging and intriguing for your readers, it is important to get help from humanizer tools.


AI detector tools have become a big problem for writers as well as non-writers who heavily rely on AI generative tools for their writing tasks.

Today, if you are using AI tools for content creation or rewriting, you can easily get caught. To avoid getting caught and to get a 100% human score by AI detector tools, it is important to use the best humanizers.

In this article, we have explained in detail what a humanizer tool is and how it can make it possible for you to bypass strong AI detection tests/scans. We hope that after using the best AI humanizer, you will be able to avoid penalties, enhance quality, and protect your credibility as a writer!